The Dominguez Firm Takes Action

In commemoration of Juneteenth 2020, The Dominguez Firm is launching its initiative to bring awareness and change in the name of social justice. We chose Juneteenth because it is a day of celebration and positivity should be celebrated. But for too long African Americans have had to endure systemic racism and oppression. This has to end. Let there be no more victims of police brutality, vigilante justice, discrimination in housing and employment or stark educational and economic disparities. Together we can make this a reality.

When J.J. Dominguez founded The Dominguez Firm over 30 years ago, he did so with the goal of making quality, compassionate legal representation accessible to all sectors of society. That early ideal has blossomed into J.J.’s and by extension, The Dominguez Firm’s commitment to multiple causes that are making a difference in people’s lives locally and nationally. J.J. himself put it best, “Compassion must translate into action if we are to become a society that creates equal opportunities for everyone.”

The Dominguez Firm not only talks the talk about social justice, but also walks the walk. Unlike most firms, The Dominguez firm is composed of one of the most demographically diverse legal staffs in California. It serves Greater Los Angeles in fluent English, Spanish, Korean, Arabic, French, Portuguese, Italian and Persian, and with a multi-cultural legal staff from over 20 nationalities. We live and embrace diversity, representing the greater Los Angeles melting pot that we proudly serve.

Causes We Support

Below we shine a spotlight on some of the worthy social justice causes we support and information on how you can help as well. Together we can bring about positive change and make the world a better, more compassionate place.

Inner City Law Center

Founded in 1980, Inner City Law Center offers free legal services to vulnerable residents, focusing on inner city Los Angeles neighborhoods. Among the groups they advocate for are the homeless and the working poor.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter has grown into a global organization since its founding in 2013. The movement works to bring awareness to the racism and violence perpetrated against Black communities by the state. They have been at the forefront of the current movement to overhaul how police departments operate and interact with communities of color.

A Place Called Home

Located in South Central Los Angeles, A Place Called Home provides a safe haven for local youth. They offer multiple programs in the arts, education and mental well-being. Young people can acquire useful life skills, build relationships and just as importantly, be able to laugh and relax with their friends. The Dominguez Firm has been proudly involved for many years in various community events at a Place Called Home.

United We Dream

United We Dream works to push for changes in immigration policies with an emphasis on undocumented immigrant youth. Their main focus is on fighting for legal status and a clear avenue to higher education for these young people.

Los Angeles LGBT Center

The Los Angeles LGBT Center is the largest organization advocating for LGBT people in the world. They offer a wide range of services on behalf of the LGBT community, many of which focus on LGBT health and equality.

Midnight Mission

The Midnight Mission has been helping the homeless population of Skid Row for over 100 years. They provide housing and services with the aim of improving the lives of unsheltered men, women and children in the area.

Union Rescue Mission

The Union Rescue Mission is a faith-based organization that works to help the homeless. They have been serving the Skid Row community since 1891. Today, women and children account for 40% of the homeless population. This charity responded by creating safe housing for these vulnerable members of the population.

Consumer Attorneys of California

The Consumer Attorneys of California is a professional organization that represents the interests of 39 million Californians. Their member-attorneys stand for plaintiffs seeking accountability from those who do wrong.

Showing Our Commitment

As part of our commitment to making a difference, The Dominguez Firm will continue to work with and highlight organizations and charities at the forefront of change. We have made our support of Black Lives Matter and social justice known through various outlets including digital advertising, radio spots and social media posts. In addition, several employees of The Dominguez Firm recently attended local protests and made their voices heard.

You can see The Dominguez Firm’s support regarding social justice below: